5+2! haPpy BdAY~!!

My deaar kahyee...is celebrating her 20th bday on the 22nd Sept...
and..V celebrated with her..on today...29th Sept..A week after her day...

All the expenses...of coz...v pay..!!as her bday present..and these pictures are specially taken for her as memories and....haha she knows...

Enjoyed a meal in Kenny Rogers...requesting for 2 extra bowl of BlaCk pePpeR sauce..and believe it..v licked it...  :D  Ohh my...my muffin is with u my dear...haha rmb to eat it...

say ~cheese~ tasty potato salad~
EHEM!! there's a Watch Model here..promoting his bday present from me..

I've no idea on this game..1st time playing lose to both of them..!
the no 1 player..of coz..that bday gal lo...!!
no one can beat her records..

both added horns..one on dino..one on..bee...

our BMW!! 3rd series?? or baby series?!
tada!!so happy~!!~our 1st BMW~!!

~Eeeooo!!~police coming~


After our photo session..we went to enjoy our yogurt ice cream before our movie MaMaMia!! nah...tis is the one...Yogur Berry..
But..I tell u..tis is a great disappointment..no wonder no customer inside de la...
Nah...this is the one..v order Frozen yogurt single RM 6.90...in the picture..it shows like tis.. (as the picture below)! But...!!! it is not.. the RM 6.90 only for the cream n it comes without fruits er.. v gotta pay extra for each fruit...
Strawberry = RM 1.05 ; Kiwi = RM 1.05; Mango = RM 1.05; Lychee = RM 1.05; Honeydew = RM 0.75... the total with tax = RM 12.05..

Oh my...so ex er...hmm...Mamamia can make us feel happier..all the songs..cool~!!so nice...haha
gotta go download le o...

理财课程 - by MFPC

erm...这两天, 我去学校上了一个由政府赞助的理财课程, 课题其实蛮不错的, 只可惜有点闷咯...讲师们是专业理财专家, 不是专业讲师, 所以.....我钓鱼了...~~!! 哈哈  不过开心的是, 我又多一个选择了...或许, 当我没缘当老板, 转行当理财专家还不错....而且, 也学会了基本的理财计划....
more info....www.mfpc.gov.my

同时...认识了一位新朋友....她介绍了一个星座占仆的网站哦!!   ---> tw.xingbar.com

常常在星座节目看到专家说什么太阳落在什么星座, 上升什么什么的....看得我一头雾水...不知那是mat dong dong...在这个网站注册后,都可以开始做免费测试唷!!!蛮不错....


Leadership & Team Building Workshop

I've just attended the two-days workshop in PG block from UTAR's Soft Skills Competency (DSSC). 
Boys: Bowen, Darren, Zamri, Kyan
Gals: Sham, me, Li pei, Cyntia, Evelyn..
~~nice to meet u guys~~

TA DA!! Tis is our team's logo!! 333!! looks nice isn't it?? do u understand what it means?? 
let me explain..v r given a role to be the disciplinary group. as u know '666' is a devil num, so '333' simply means half devil@@!!
it is very clear in the drawing of an angel prefect with devil's horn n tail! the tie and stars resemble the 'authority'.. "FRIENDLY, FIRM, FLEXIBLE" is our mission!!  

erm..this is my lunch..char siew, cucumber with dried prawn and thai tofu!
i love this orange juice la...!!!

Our work...Goal Setting steps!!hehe cool...learnt sth here..

Erm...happy to learn new stuffs..but at the same time..I've no no no patience...LOOK at the superb long traffic jam..I've been caught in the jam for an hour... 

get trapped!!! hate this!! spoil my mood~~!@!!

happY happY daY

hehe very very happy er...
after a few days din meet theng theng..miss miss him so much er...

finally can c him today..v went for dim sum for breakfast den movie in midvalley!! a boring movie instead.. the BLACK WATER!!bad bad bad...i made a bad choice to suggest this movie..the actors are on the tree for an hour..!!n the most exciting part I think is not more than 15mins...
3 ppl went in and 1 survivor, killing the croc wit one tiny shortgun wit one shot!!hahahaha quite ridiculous...

then v went for SAKAE SUSHI in Pavilion oo!!hehe a great experience being there..Look at the pictures i took..feel so good bout it..!

every seat has an automated order picker menu...
I'm choosing from the varieties they have..each picture comes with description!
Cccc....v r given a tea bag n hot water dispenser in each seat..
self-service with fully automated facilities..

we rushed for our next movie DECEPTION at 5.10 but the whole cinema only have 6 ppl (including us)...theng theng just tot v've enter the wrong hall! bcoz it's Monday...maybe~
this movie is much better compared to the previous one..just about a guy being deceit by the other and he played back n finally bring the other down..

hmm...v ended our date with our favourite claypot curry fish head curry in Pudu..tis is really ichiban!!super delicious...

so so so so tasty er..~~

3 coms!!!

All of a sudden...dad bought a new desktop!
21'' LCD monitor, 300 GB hard disc with super sonic gear speaker...

Mum just get us a free HP laptop yesterday n I'm so happy that HP can cope with my insufficient disc space n requirements of my old ACER...

BUT..today!!!suddenly...!!another new one!! v got 4 ppl at home but with 3 coms and one internet line..wahaha funny man!!should I upgrade my streamyx speed to accomodate for these???

erm...probably everyone will be happy when they got new com right..but for me..when i saw this...
hmm...i should be happy... 


I'm just back from EconSave..
Initially its pretty a normal shopping but...
I feel very bad when i shop in the wet area for fishes and seafood...Have a look...

look at the colour of the squids and prawns...i just cant stand the bad smell...

if i tell u they smells bad...probably u'll not trust what i said...
but look!! from the eye of the fish...it's so so so obvious that they r so so so unfresh!
do u think that v can still buy it?!?? don even feel wanted to shop there anymore...

Hope that they may improve on this matter to stay competitive since they really have "low" prices but with such a bad shopping environment with awful smell, I think customers cant enjoy the shopping experience but complete their purchasing more quickly...

YeAh!!恭喜恭喜!HAppY HoLiDaY!!

看到題目,即可傻眼!mat dong dong 來的?怎麽也沒想到會出的竟然出現在問卷上了!
哈哈 心裏傻笑后,就拿起筆,好像很 pro 醬,開始吹 吹 吹啊吹!的確讓我成功吹滿了一頁!完全靠猜咧...出來查看 notes 果然中招!沒有一樣吹中!實在太可笑了!

du...我們去唱 K 了!我.....當然是發揮我的專長,拍下經典的畫面咯!嘻嘻  畢業后可以考慮去當 camera girl...

唱得多盡興 投入啊....!


嘻嘻 期待已久的 Langkawi 之旅即將來臨,實在很興奮咧... 
hmm...我要買很多很多很多很多很多的巧克力,不是給我自己吃的啦,要吃到“笑”么...?當然是拿來當手信咯!給我親愛的老友,死黨,出生入死的戰友們 慰勞大家!


1st day of my HoLidaY~new skin~

This is the 1st day of my holiday..hmm...sleep sleep sleep till i wake naturally..!
i've always wanted to change my blog template vv long ago coz i saw my frens' one all vv vv nice, only mine look so dull..but i really donno what happen to the html code lo..when i paste it into the space..it poped up and say xml code error din close properly..
those i like de all cant er...
hehe but 'm so so lucky today..most probably bcoz its my 1st holiday, i found one tat i like de...

what u r seeing now is the new look of my blog!

haha pretty cool compared to the dull classic template...just wonder y cant blogger provide more template like wretch...hahaha

anyway..i love this...happy ^^

$$$ no EnoUgh 2 !!~ichiBan 一級棒

強片製作  的確把梁志強導演獨特的特點形容得非常貼切。怎麽說呢?
只要是梁志強的片一定都是強片!這應該是名字的由來... 從我認識他的第一部戯,應該是小孩不笨開始的 一直到現在,他的片真是觸動到我的心...


片頭,影射了政府 如何用各式的政策 “吸” 人民的血...用的動畫和對白還真搞笑咧!戯裏的三兄弟,初始,都過得蠻富裕的,只有大哥因爲沒受過什麽教育生活較爲平淡。但是卻因爲想闖一番事業,就跑去做直銷賣“開心花粉” du...direct sales lo!!結果也成功了!




真是一部發人深思的電影,大家。。。一定不可以錯過的 “強片”!!

重溫經典 - Mrs Doubtfire

剛睡醒,就有股衝動去找部電影來看咯!無意閒發現了這部我小時候看的感動落淚又笑破肚皮的喜劇。。。你們。。。有看過嗎?不知怎麽的,我總覺得我超愛Robbin Williams 飾演爸爸的角色!就像這部 Mrs Doubtfire 還有 Peter Pan !! 真的超好看的咧!

在戯裏,Daniel (Robbin Williams) 是一名配音員,他滑稽的樣子深得三個孩子的愛,幸福的家庭。可是,好景不長,他丟了工作,老婆卻接受不了他刁兒郎當的性格,搞到離婚收場,也失了孩子的撫養權....這位爸爸,爲了能見孩子,與孩子一起,不惜一切把自己便裝成爲他們的奶媽兼女佣 - Mrs Doubtfire....

<-- 看!她第一次下廚,好狼狽還燒到自己的“塑料胸”!笑死人了!

Xingpei!! I'm BACK!!

I've been so demotivated in all these days...finals around the corner..NOPE...is 2 more days to go..but i still busy 'chasing' dramas...I just couldn't find myself, no direction, total lost!!I've been reading logistics for almost a week, but sad to say, Mr Dan is right...I don't know what am I studying in the whole week...I seems to understand, but, if I've to put it in words on the exam sheet, I afraid that I couldn't do so...Telling this to my friends that I fail to motivate myself, no one tend to believe in me...everyone will just say "cheh...U wo...xingpei lai de ma...no worries la..." Actually, I'm much demotivated and upset when i get this feedback...I'm not purposely "lying" to everyone that I could not study, or to cheat my friends, but honestly...I'm lost!

Anyway...today...a very sudden!I realize I'm turning n tossing aroun the toughest subject that I couldn't get through...SO, I go for the easiest one 1st and come back again to LOGISTicS later on...I must get through this!! Xingpei!! Come On...!!! My frens...U guys too...!! good LuCk to u n me..!!

Time to study again...sayonara!!